By Liz Alterman | Jun 30, 2017

Heading on a road trip or week at the beach? Lucky you! Before you go, there are certain tasks you need to get done to ensure your home is safe while you’re gone. Because if you’re away for more than a few days, even a leaky faucet could mean you’ll return to a house of horrors. To keep such nightmare scenarios at bay, check off the boxes on this pre-vacation checklist.
1. Turn off the water
Turning the water off to your home can prevent disasters of all sizes. Homeowner Christy Nielson of Dallas learned this lesson the hard way.
“We went skiing in Vail for a long weekend with friends,” Nielson recalled. “When we came home three days later, we realized a hose to our washing machine had broken while we were gone, flooding our entire laundry room, kitchen, and hallway. We had to move out of the house for a month and a half while the repairs were done.” Talk about a rough re-entry to real life!
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