On a scale of 1 to 5, how much do you need to declutter? Dorothy Breininger’s clutter scale is here to help.
Although I have always been organized, there were two significant moments in my life that taught me how to manage clutter.
The first was when I returned from a backpacking trip around the world. Having visited homes in many developing nations, I no longer wanted to have such excess in my own home. My possessions were organized, but I had too many of them for my taste.
After I unpacked from my journey, I began a thorough review of my stuff. I started upstairs, removing unnecessary items floor by floor. By the time I reached the basement, I had enough stuff to set up a second apartment.
My second decluttering lesson was right after my divorce. Just months after the split, I found myself facing bankruptcy. I began my climb out of sudden and severe financial debt while simultaneously making a name for myself in the organizing industry. I hired a top-tier PR agent, but I knew I had to come up with some big bucks to cover his fee and all the expenses that go along with creating a brand. I decided to sell my home and everything I owned to make it happen.
As I sorted my belongings for a second time, I created a ranking system to help me decide what to keep and what to toss. It worked beautifully for me, and I think it can work for you, too.
CLICK LINK TO READ MORE http://www.zillow.com/blog/declutter-for-intentional-home-210492/
About the author
Dorothy The Organizer (Dorothy Breininger) is America’s most innovative organizer and can be seen weekly on the critically acclaimed, Emmy-nominated show “Hoarders” on A&E. She also appears on The Doctors, The Dr. Phil Show and The View. Creating organization solutions that change people’s lives is her passion.